year, across the nation, one event brings together the entire
community to take part in the fight against cancer. That event
is the American Cancer Society's Relay For Life®. It’s a time
and place where people come to celebrate those who have
survived cancer, remember those we’ve lost, and fight back
against a disease that touches too many lives.
Glow With Us®
has been working with Relay For Life
Teams across
America by giving out product samples, providing sponsorship and donations.
Last year, we donated 6" Yellow Glow Sticks for the North Kane
County Relay For Life Event at Dundee Crown High School in
Carpentersville, IL. Not only are our Glow Sticks
much easier to handle than candles during uncooperative weather conditions,
Glow Necklaces and Bracelets have been sold to attendees to
serve as a great fundraising tool. Please refer to our Glow
Sticks Fundraising for
more information on fundraising with glow products.
Glow With Us® understands the need and respects the
request for sponsor and donation from Relay For Life teams,
we may not be able to honor all of them. However, in such
event, we do give out special discounts to the teams who
provide us with relevant documentation. Please contact
our office at 714.312.0088 or
for further details.

North Kane
County Relay For Life Team,
Carpentersville, IL

courtesy of American Cancer
Society Fox Valley Regional
Office Relay For Life Team,
Batavia, IL.)